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Young people are the most active and dynamic force in the whole social force, the hope of the country lies in the young people, the future of the nation lies in the young people, the country prospers when young people are strong, and the country is strong when young people are strong。习近平总书记在今年五四青年节时强调,The majority of young people should inherit and carry forward the May Fourth spirit,Unswervingly listen to and follow the Party,Strive to be a good young person in the new era who has ideals, dares to bear, can bear hardships and is willing to struggle,In promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, we will show our youth actions, highlight the style of youth, and contribute to the strength of youth,Strive to write a responsible youth chapter for Chinese modernization。

Hand in hand, let us follow the footsteps of example, and cultivate more ideal, capable and responsible young people in the new era on the fertile soil of Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry。

Personal profile

Ma Jiyang, a student of Class 2331 of Mobile Internet Application Technology, College of Information Engineering, is the executive vice leader of Dalian Friendship Volunteer Service Corps, the director of Dalian Firefly Volunteer Service Corps and the director of secretariat。

Exemplary deeds

The beginning of the road to volunteering

Since 2020, Ma Jiyang has embarked on the road of volunteer service, and the starting point of this journey is from a caring and enthusiastic senior student。The senior sister is not only Ma Jiyang's guide in study, but also his important mentor on the road of life。He overheard her talk about her volunteer activities, and those stories about helping others and passing on warmth deeply attracted him, so Ma Jiyang joined the volunteer team and began his volunteer service journey。

Volunteer work is getting better and better

Ma Jiyang followed the team to participate in various volunteer activities, including environmental protection and caring for autistic children。In this process, he gradually realized the meaning and value of volunteering, and also felt the joy and satisfaction that helping others brings。With the passage of time, Ma Jiyang gradually accumulated rich experience in volunteer service and made many like-minded friends。With the recommendation of his predecessors and the support of his team, he began to try to lead new volunteers to participate in activities。From planning activities, organizing volunteer training, to on-site coordination and guidance, he gradually grew into a qualified volunteer service leader。

Lead the team on the road to volunteering

Now, Ma Jiyang has accumulated a wealth of volunteer service experience and leads volunteer teams to participate in various fields of activities。In the field of environmental public welfare, the team actively advocates garbage classification and pollution reduction, participates in afforestation and seaside cleaning activities, and strives to contribute to the sustainable development of the earth。In terms of caring for autistic children, the team organized various caring activities, such as accompanying them to participate in outdoor games, to bring warmth and care to them, and also improve the social attention and understanding of this special group。

Each volunteering activity made him more deeply realize that volunteering is not only to help others, but also a process of self-growth and improvement。He learned to listen, understand, and tolerate, which made him more appreciative and grateful for every moment in his life。Ma Jiyang believes that as long as each of us can do our part, no matter how big or small, we can have a positive impact on society。

Honor received

2022 Dalian Outstanding Young Volunteer

Four-star volunteer of Dalian Charity Federation

Dalian reading excellent cultural volunteer

Dalian Children's Branch Library 2023 outstanding volunteer

Dalian Firefly Volunteer Service Corps 2018-2023 Outstanding Contribution Award

Dalian Firefly Volunteer Service Corps 2023 Outstanding cultural volunteer

Message from example

We look forward to working with more volunteers to challenge and surpass ourselves and build a loving, harmonious and beautiful society。Let's go hand in hand and strive for a better tomorrow!