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Young people are the most active and dynamic force in the whole social force, the hope of the country lies in the young people, the future of the nation lies in the young people, the country prospers when young people are strong, and the country is strong when young people are strong。习近平总书记在今年五四青年节时强调,The majority of young people should inherit and carry forward the May Fourth spirit,Unswervingly listen to and follow the Party,Strive to be a good young person in the new era who has ideals, dares to bear, can bear hardships and is willing to struggle,In promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, we will show our youth actions, highlight the style of youth, and contribute to the strength of youth,Strive to write a responsible youth chapter for Chinese modernization。

Hand in hand, let us follow the footsteps of example, and cultivate more ideal, capable and responsible young people in the new era on the fertile soil of Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry。

Personal profile

Zhao Liangliang, male, a member of the Communist Party of China, from Benxi, Liaoning Province。Graduated from Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry in 2017Majoring in accounting, College of Finance, Commerce and Tourism, currently working in Hubei Entry-Exit Border Inspection General Station。Seven years seems like a long time, but in a flash。What he has experienced seems like yesterday, and what he insists on and pursues seems to be still ahead. Zhao Liangliang, an excellent student from Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry, has been striving to pursue his dream。

Exemplary deeds

The most beautiful three years of life - to be a good example of students

In 2014, he just entered the university at a loss, did not know how to spend the most precious three years of his life。In a career and planning class,The teacher led the students to watch a video lecture,Its content is to motivate those students who failed the college entrance examination how to use their efforts during the university to give themselves a better advantage in finding a job under the condition of low education,The no-frills speech served him well,Associate oneself with,So it is。Inspired, he began to plan his life, secretly determined to spend a most valuable three years。As a freshman, he actively moved closer to the party organization, submitted an application to join the Party at the first time to the party organization, and always requested himself as a party member。After serving as the class monitor, no matter in study, work or participate in activities, to set an example for teachers and students to solve problems。Take the initiative to register for the self-examination, through hard study to improve their academic qualifications。In his sophomore year, with his outstanding performance, he became the chairman of the Student Union of the College of Finance, Commerce, Culture and Tourism. He strictly implemented various tasks issued by the college, successfully organized various cultural and sports activities, and did his own work without complaining, which not only improved his ability, but also gained recognition。In his junior year, he honorably became a member of the Communist Party, obtained the graduation certificate of self-examination, and got the opportunity to intern in the Inland Revenue Bureau of Jinzhou District of Dalian。

His college life is busy and full, has been working hard, harvest。At school, he has won the honorary titles of "Liaoning Province Outstanding Graduate", "Dalian City Merit Student", "Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College Merit Student", and won the "College first-class scholarship" for many times.。Participating in unpaid blood donation and enthusiastic public welfare activities, he interpreted the responsibility and responsibility of contemporary outstanding college students with practical actions。

The choice after graduation - stick to the dream of joining the army

In July 2017, after graduating from college, he gave up the opportunity to work in the tax bureau. He did not want to be a mediocre person in his life, so he convinced his family to hold on to his dream of serving in the army and started his military career。Wearing an olive green, guarding a lifetime flag red, in the boot camp without the teacher's tolerance, no parental care, everything needs to be obtained through their own efforts, three months of training life, cultivate his military consciousness, improve his physical quality, temper his willpower。With his own persistence and efforts, he was awarded the honorary title of "Excellent conscript" and "Lei Feng Pacesetter"。

Different stages of experience - to be a struggler in the new era

In 2019, he seized the opportunity, studied hard, raced against time, and was admitted to the Hubei Entry-Exit Border Inspection General Station as he wished, realizing the counterattack in his life。In the work of border inspection, he once went deep into the border line, stuck to his post and performed his duties under difficult and complex living conditions, and won the title of "Outstanding police Individual" for his excellent performance。Since 2023, he has done a good job in the inspection and review of Hubei entry-exit Border Inspection Station, and his work performance is very outstanding. In 2023, he won the honorary title of "Hubei Main Station business expert" and "Hubei Main Station Personal condolences"。