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In order to further standardize the teaching order, strengthen the teaching operation guarantee, and comprehensively understand and grasp the teaching work status of the new semester, according to the overall teaching work deployment of the college, the Department of textile and Clothing carried out the teaching inspection work at the beginning of the new semester。On August 28, Zu Xiuxia, director of the Department of Textile and Clothing, led Deputy Director Xu Manman and Deputy Secretary Yu Jindong to inspect the teaching operation and teaching order in the classroom and training room。

The dean led a team to inspect the teaching materials

The dean led the team into the class

The Department of textile and clothing attaches great importance to the work of the new semester,In order to create a comfortable and safe teaching environment for all teachers and students,A lot of preparation work was done before the new term began,Full teaching preparation and safety inspection were carried out for each studio, laboratory and training workshop,The whole system is connected up and down,A number of measures have been taken to ensure the smooth development of the teaching work in the new semester。

A well-ordered class

New term,The new Look,New look,The Department of textile clothing is in good condition in the new semester,All the teachers were on duty on time,Well-prepared for teaching,Students arrive at class on time,The classroom teaching is in good order,The teaching work is smooth and orderly,The teachers and students are full of spirit.,Teaching facilities are available,The teaching environment is clean and tidy,The work of the department is orderly with the joint efforts of teachers and students,Overall good operation。