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On March 28, Mr. Fokke Veenstra, Dean of MBO School of Entrepreneurship and Business, ROC Education Group, Netherlands, visited our school with four people。Sun Yuhong, President of our Institute, extended a warm welcome to the guests。The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on teacher training, student exchange, subject project exchange and other projects。

President Sun Yuhong introduced the basic situation of our college from the aspects of history, school scale, discipline construction and international exchange to the guests. She believed that the two sides could increase cooperation opportunities in teacher exchange and student exchange and establish a virtuous cycle of cooperation mechanism。Mr. Fokke Veenstra, Dean of the School of Entrepreneurship and Business of MBO, thanked the school for its warm reception and said that international exchange is an important part of his educational practice, hoping to further deepen the cooperation with the school and truly promote the exchanges between the two schools in education, culture and scientific research。

ROC Education Group in the Netherlands is a group of 11 vocational education institutions with 18,000 students and 2,200 employees。The group offers vocational education and training in about 20 different branches in the fields of business and economics, textile and fashion design, engineering and construction, health care and transport and logistics。

Vice President Song Chunfeng and other relevant department leaders met with the guests and accompanied them to visit the tea art training room of the Department of Economic and Trade Management, the textile and Clothing training room, and the aviation service training room. The director of the department introduced the construction and use of the training room to the delegation in detail。

The delegation took a group photo with the leaders of our institute

(Correspondent Xu Zhuo)

Source: School-Enterprise Cooperation and Training Office Added time: March 30, 2016